Hello my name is David Oso and I go by the aliase name Xino (Black Xino) online
This is my official blog about me and dedicated to my journey to break into the Gaming Industry.
With this site I will talk about my thoughts and opinion about the Gaming Industry and bad designs in games, and also giving updates of my progress to the course I'm currently studying.
You see the gaming industry is all about business and having fun, to put it nicely gaming industry is mainly about sales and marketing. I myself am experienced in the Sales and Marketing industry, well not fully experienced but more of a Beginner. As I've worked as a canvasser, someone who goes around knocking on people's doors and trying to book an appointment. And also I've worked as a promoter, like people you see in a shopping centre that approach you about a product. Oh yea I shouldn't forget the proper 'sales man' job role I did, I worked for Jiraffe Sales under the client Lovefilm.com whereas I actually had to sell to customers.
I am not a sales man myself, in fact I do not like the sales and marketing industry, it really isn't my type and if you are good at business then you would love sales and marketing. Sales & Marketing is really for a big dogs, it's like a gambling game, whereas you either win or lose! You are always constantly trying to survive.
And what does this 'Sales & Marketing' have to do with games? well everything. From coming up with an idea, you are basically selling your idea to a publisher, so that the publisher can help fund that idea for you and distribute it to gamers so that they can buy the game. You have to meet sales target in S&M industry and in gaming industry you need to make targets as well, you have a target to reach 1 million unit sold for your games.
In order to sell your game idea to a publisher, you need to pitch that idea to them. It's the same thing with S&M, if you want to pick to random customers, you need to pitch to them! Advertising and promoting your products is done in leads whereas someone that pitches to customers help sell your item, and if sold that is called a lead. Much like the gaming industry, PR marketing for games determines leads, if gamers see adverts for a game on tv or internet, they would preorder it. And once preordered, that's a lead.
In order to pitch to customers, you must eliminate your shyness you need to be lively and bubbly. Same thing with games industry, you need to approach journalists, other publishers and developers and also gamers.
To break it down-
Publishers (Head office)->Developers (salesmen)->fans (promoters)
Fans are the ones that help promote the developers games because they will tell others to buy the game and post wonders about the game. Developers are salesmen especially directors and designers. A good salesman will be well known in the industry, people like Kojima, David Jaffe, Itagaki, Mikami, Suda51, Inafune, Peter Molyneux etc
I keep wondering to myself how the hell did I end up experiencing Sales and Marketing? Getting the perspective of the gaming industry like this help encouraged me that it was good I have gain some experience in Sales & Marketing because I would need it along my journey.